Both Marketing and Parent Communication are things we had to navigate in the changing landscape of Covid-19. In the beginning we decided to share all options for our postponed recitals and what that might look like. We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback we received for our honesty and thoughtfulness. This transparency allowed us to communicate with our dance parents in a new way.

A silver lining of the pandemic was the creation of our Twinkle Stars Kits. The props were born out of necessity to help keep dancers engaged while they were socially distanced and unable to move around the room. Ultimately, the Twinkle Stars Kits increased our valuable Word of Mouth Marketing in our local community.
Rethinking Recitals in the Spring lead us to creating a Holiday Show and a Spring Fling in studio performance/filming. These mini-performances provide our dancers tangible goals to work towards in their classes as well as an opportunity to connect with their families.
In a traditional marketing sense we continued our monthly emails/calls to dancers who were enrolled pre-lockdowns, but have not yet returned. As well as offering 50% off new students registration fees or 50% off tuition of second class if they add a new class in January.
Parent Communication
With the Lobby being closed we continue to rely on Zoom Parent Meetings, Emails, and good old fashioned Phone Calls to keep them tuned in to what is happening at the studios. We share Photos and Videos paired with positive quotes from parents about what we are doing to keep kids safe on our website and social media accounts.
Finally, we offer Dancily virtual only dance sessions and Hybrid dance class options to meet the needs of dancers who are not ready to return to the studio.
Over 300 affiliated studio owners put Twinkle Star Dance into practice in their business and here is what some of them have to say:
Twinkle Stars makes it simple for us to offer a clear, concise and fun curriculum for young dancers! Implementing the suggested dress code has been a game changer. Parents love not having to figure out what their dancer will be wearing to dance easy week and I love that it makes our classes look professional and polished in an age appropriate way.
Lynne Meyer, MusicWorks! Studio of Performing Arts
The previous owner started using Twinkle Star but never really implemented it. When I took over in 2015 I really overhauled our curriculum and grew my studio 300% in 5 years. Which gave me a nice base once COVID hit. Twinkle star also helped me navigate the COVID world. My parents came back because of the protocols I had put into place. I was able to do this successfully with the help of TSD.
Leah Brady, Brockport School of Dance
Twinkle Star Dance helped give me a way to start dancers as young as 2 years old. It also gave me an easy way to bring on other teachers to help train and prepare them. Showstars helps to constantly give fresh ideas for hip-hop, jazz and tap to help us stay current on the trends. Having the outlined plans for summer camps has been very successful. The Daddy Daughter Dance is always a hit!
Nicole L Eckles, Winterset Ballet and Dance Studio
Want more inspiration? Join us live for Studio Owner OVERCOME a two-day virtual conference experience presented by dance studio owner and industry leader, Tiffany Henderson, featuring intimate conversations with women business owners and experts.
Network from the comfort of your home! Studio Owner OVERCOME is scheduled for January 14-15, 2021 and will contain Live Q+A with Expert Panelists, Business Sessions, and Inspirational Keynote. We will be releasing the schedule and class descriptions for Studio Owner OVERCOME very soon.